Fig. 28.-Walking dress for girl of ten years: the paletot is made of navy blue cloth, bound with silk braid, a double cape upon it. Cottage bonnet made of silk, with shirred velvet inside.
Fig. 29.-Wrap for girl of seven years, made of grey cheviot; it is shirred both back and front. Felt hat trimmed with velvet and buckle.
Fig. 30.-Ecru cloth coat for girl, made sacque shape in front, tight fitting in the back to the waist, where a kilted skirt is added on. Ecru felt hat, trimmed with brown velvet and ecru and brown feathers.
Fig. 31.-Knickerbocker suit for boy of eight years, made of plaid cheviot; felt hat.
Fig. 32.-Suit for boy of four years, short pants and box-plaited blouse, made of white flannel; sailor hat.
Fig. 33.-Walking suit for little girl; the coat dress is made of black velveteen, gored front, kilted upon the sides, and double box plaits in the centre of back. Black velvet hat.
Fig. 34.-Walking suit for little girl; the cloak is made of green and blue plaid cloth, with waist and box-plaited skirt; large cape trimmed with braid. Blue velvet-shirred bonnet, trimmed with silk pompons.
