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THIS JACKET is of bronze tweed, and is trimmed with silk braid of a lighter shade, and with metal buttons. It is loose in front and close fitting at the back. Deep cuffs and open collar. Pattern, 2s. 1d. |
The foundation is white, and the stripes are of varied colours. The cloak is in one piece and the hood is formed in stripes. A damask worsted braid trims the burnous, and a tassel fringe terminates it. Pattern, 2s. 7d. |
The rotonde or large circular cape has a large draperie at the back. The draperie in front is fastened on the right shoulder under a gimp agrafe. This is to be unhooked when the rotonde is taken off. The back is likewise ornamented with cord, agrafe, and tassels. A deep white fringe edges the rotonde. Pattern, 3s. 7d. |
Dark blue cloth trimmed with gimp and silver buttons. The form is half fitting, and it has collar, cuffs, and pockets. Pattern, 2s. 1d. |
The burnous of a white woollen material, and is trimmed with tassel fringe. The front is folded back to form revers, and at the back there is a hood ornamented with tassels. Pattern, 2s. 7d. |
Fashion Plates From Queen Magazine