1880s Day and Evening Dress
Pattern and Construction

Click for a printable 8 1/2 x 11 image.
Please note that each pattern piece is scaled differently!!!
The pattern taken from my c.1880 Bustle Bodice. The pattern pieces are lettered in order, A to B, B to C, C to D. The balance marks show where the pieces match.
The lines up the front of the bodice show the stitching lines for the darts. Please note this does not include the fabric sewn into the darts.
The dotted line is a 1/2" seam allowance I added. The seam line is the solid line. If you enlarge the pattern to anything but 100% the seam allowance will be distorted.
Click below for detailed construction information, pictures of reproductions, and the original!
Pattern and Construction, Page One
Pattern and Construction, Page Two
The Original 1880 Bodice
The Dresses
My Costumes
The Bustle Era
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