The Picnic Dress Cape

A slightly bizarre picture of the cape, taken in the same manner as the chemise picture, with a digital camera with the viewer facing a mirror.  You can get an idea of how the shoulder drapes.

I had a difficult time figuring out how to shape the cape.  I started out with half circles, but they were very tight.  The fabric didn't flow at all and I couldn't move my arms.  Not good.  I went through 3 yards of gridded pellon and about a yard of leftover muslin before I stumbled on an idea.  I knew the fabric had to be wider at the top than at the bottom, so I cut a tiny trapezoid.  It didn't work.  I folded the corners in, cut off the top and it was the exact shape I wanted.  This was at about 11 PM, so not all late night ideas that involve scissors (see the chemise page for details) are bad :)

Here's a picture of the cut trapezoid.  It obviously needs to be longer, but the shoulder shape is right.

Now, with the triangles at top folded in.  The top edge goes around the shoulders, the two points in the middle and it drapes beautifully and fully off the shoulders.

And finally, the cape itself.  I should have also taken a picture of it folded.  Oops.  It needs to be edged, I tried using Sulky varigated thread and a satin stitch on the sewing machine, but I didn't have the right satin stitch so this didn't work.  I have seen it done successfully on other dresses though.  I ended up sewing a very narrow hem by hand.  It actually gives it a nice weight at the bottom.


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